The section that I took notice to most in Culture Jam was "Noise." I never really took notice to how much "noise" there was in my life until I read this section. I know for me to work I need to have some kind of music or TV on because when it's quiet in my room it makes me feel very uncomfortable. It makes me wonder how many other people feel this way when in silence. But even when I, or any one else, tries to work in silence we're not really in total quiet. I turned off all of my music and listed to the sounds around me. I never realized how "noisy" even "silence" is. It makes me think about all of the things that I can tune out and how much I miss because I do. I've come to realize that "noise" can be good for you but every now and then silence is good for you. It lets your brain unwind and relax from the constant stimulation of noise.